Home Beauty What November 23’s New Moon in Sagittarius Means for You Astrologically

What November 23’s New Moon in Sagittarius Means for You Astrologically

What November 23’s New Moon in Sagittarius Means for You Astrologically


As a reminder, the new moon is a time of new beginnings — a chance to not merely accept, but to embrace the uncertainty and mysteriousness of what’s to come. Therefore, a new moon in Sagittarius is a natural fit, as this sign always wants to go somewhere new. With all this Sagittarius energy in the air, this could be a time when you find yourself no longer wanting to please people. Maybe you just want to do your thing — and there’s nothing wrong with that. Try going to a museum or cultural event, regardless of whether you can find someone to go with, or take yourself out to a restaurant or bar. Maybe you’ll meet some new people and maybe you won’t, but you’ll have a great time in your own company either way. Plus, this unmistakable energy in the sky could manifest as a meet-cute (platonic or otherwise) with a spontaneous Sagittarius soul who opens your eyes to new ideas.

What Is a Stellium?

In addition to this new moon appearing in the sign of the truth-seeking optimist, we can also see Mercury and Venus there. This is called a stellium, which happens when three or more planetary bodies are in the same sign. This makes the Sagittarian energy of the new moon even more potent because the sun (creative life force), the moon (emotions), Venus (attraction), and Mercury (communication) are all speaking the same language.

So, not that you needed another invitation, but as your resident astrologer, I’ll leave you with this: These Sagittarius planets want to party, and they’re inviting you along for the ride.

A Minor Grand Trine With the New Moon

This is a lovely new moon to go out with friends, go to a party, go to a show. We have a minor grand trine between the new moon in Sag, Pluto in late degrees of Capricorn, and Jupiter in late degrees of Pisces. Jupiter has gone back into Pisces (its own sign) and is feeling expansive and spiritual, and with Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces, we can touch the divine and feel deeply connected to the spirit of the universe. Jupiter making an out-of-sign trine with the new moon can bring inspiration and knowledge from your higher self. Since it is a new moon, it is not a time to do anything with the information, just to notice — and record it — in some way. Pluto in Capricorn is also sextiling the new moon, lending some weight to the occasion.



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