Home Science The James Webb Space Telescope’s tech breakthroughs are already impacting science. Here’s how

The James Webb Space Telescope’s tech breakthroughs are already impacting science. Here’s how

The James Webb Space Telescope’s tech breakthroughs are already impacting science. Here’s how


NASA’s mighty James Webb Space Telescope, (JWST)has no shortage of accomplishments to its credit. From its vantage point in space, roughly 1.5 million kilometers (1 million miles) away from Earth, the JWST has been snapping breathtaking images and generating insights about stars, planets and galaxies that were simply not possible by its predecessors.

And back home, spinoff technologies the observatory left in the telescope’s  wake are benefitting everyday life, like new types of LASIK tech helping to aid human eyes. The latest update on the matter concerns significant improvements to simulation software, originally innovated by JWST scientists who needed to understand how the telescope would behave in space-like conditions. 



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