Home Science See Venus climb to its highest point in the night sky tonight

See Venus climb to its highest point in the night sky tonight

See Venus climb to its highest point in the night sky tonight


Venus, the second planet from the sun and the hottest world in the solar system, will rise to its highest point in the evening sky on Monday (May 8). 

The hellish planet known as “Earth’s evil twin” is currently in the period of its evening apparitions, a period during which Venus is seen each night. According to In the Sky (opens in new tab), from New York City the evening apparition of Venus will reach a peak altitude of 37 degrees (nearly the width of four of your fists at arms’ length) over the western horizon at sunset on May 8, which occurs at around 7:58 p.m. EDT (2358 GMT). The planet will then set at around 11:35 p.m. EDT (0335 GMT). 



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