Home Science See green comet Nishimura’s tail get whipped away by powerful solar storm as it slingshots around the sun

See green comet Nishimura’s tail get whipped away by powerful solar storm as it slingshots around the sun

See green comet Nishimura’s tail get whipped away by powerful solar storm as it slingshots around the sun


The recently discovered green comet Nishimura has been body slammed by a potential coronal mass ejection (CME) after surviving a close encounter with the sun. The unexpected collision, which briefly blew away the comet’s tail, was caught on camera by a NASA spacecraft. 

In footage captured by NASA’s Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO-A) spacecraft, the plasma plume slammed into Nishimura and “jostled around” the comet’s tail — the trailing stream of dust and gas that was blown off the comet by the sun — before completely pinching it off, Karl Battams, an astrophysicist at the United States Naval Research Laboratory who created the video of the event (shown above), told Live Science in an email. 



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