Home Technology Safari Technology Preview 179 releases

Safari Technology Preview 179 releases

Safari Technology Preview 179 releases


Apple has added a new version of the Safari Technology Preview.

Safari Technology Preview is an experimental browser that was launched in 2016. The browser was originally designed to test future features in the public version of Safari. Preview 179 includes new updates and fixes for HTML, CSS, Web API, Web Inspector, SVG, and Media. These features are expected to arrive in the macOS Sonoma and Safari 17 release.


Currently, STP is available to macOS Ventura and Sonoma users. Those who are interested can download the software through System Settings or System Preferences with a Safari Technology Preview browser. The complete release notes can be found at the official Safari Technology Preview website.

Apple aims to collect developer and user feedback for a better development process. The browser can be downloaded even with a regular Safari browser on the computer. Unlike other apps and tools, Safari Technology Preview is free and can be downloaded without a developer account.



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