Home Business New Guardian books editor, USA Today’s investigative data hire, Friday moves and news roundup 

New Guardian books editor, USA Today’s investigative data hire, Friday moves and news roundup 

New Guardian books editor, USA Today’s investigative data hire, Friday moves and news roundup 


Ella Creamer

Ella Creamer (pictured) is The Guardian’s new books reporter covering new releases, authors and publishing. Austin Fast has joined USA Today from NPR as an investigative data reporter.  We’ve also got — what else on this Happy Friday? — our TBN Ticker covering the latest in media moves, news and a special episode of the Bankadelic podcast. 

Click on the links below for more: 

Creamer joins The Guardian as books reporter

USA Today hires Fast as investigative data reporter

Our TBN Ticker for July 7

Bankadelic podcast: A July 4th special with seven financial services stars



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