Research of the Week
Predictions of drug free type 2 diabetes remission.
Low-carb wins (again) in type 2 diabetes.
Are 12% of the population responsible for 50% of the beef consumption?
Acrolein triggers insulin resistance.
Seasonal allergies and accidents.
New Primal Kitchen Podcasts
Primal Kitchen Podcast: Chef and Entrepreneur Camilla Marcus Champions Great Taste with Less Waste
Primal Health Coach Radio: Michelle Leotta
Media, Schmedia
Drug use among adults reaches all-time high.
Interesting Blog Posts
A cautionary take on sweeteners.
Early use of carnivore for diabetes.
Social Notes
Everything Else
Too much safety is dangerous and boring.
Prehistoric bird returns to New Zealand.
What increases morale?
Things I’m Up to and Interested In
Interesting: Can evolution be reversed?
Great video: Common lies about keto.
Reminder: Keep marijuana edibles away from kids.
Once again: We know very little about the microbiome.
Do you agree?: Men who are frequent social media posters are seen as less manly.
Question I’m Asking
What prehistoric animal would you like to come back?
Recipe Corner
Time Capsule
One year ago (Aug 26 – Sep 1)
Comment of the Week
“‘Icing promotes muscle regeneration after light injury.’
Ohhh, you mean applying ice.
Burst my dream.“-Ha, sorry to disappoint.
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