Home Parenting Megan Trainer Is Expecting Her Second Baby With Husband Daryl Sabara

Megan Trainer Is Expecting Her Second Baby With Husband Daryl Sabara

Megan Trainer Is Expecting Her Second Baby With Husband Daryl Sabara


Singer Meghan Trainor recently confirmed the exciting news that she is expecting her second child.

“BABY #2 COMING THIS SUMMER,” the author captioned her Instagram photo which pictures Trainer kissing ultrasound photos while donning a messy updo and blinged out sunglasses.

The pop star also confirmed the exciting news with PEOPLE, noting what a “blessing” this pregnancy was considering her dream is ultimately to have four kids with Spy Kids actor and husband Daryl Sabara, 30.

“I’m just so grateful I can get pregnant,” she said. “And I’m like, ‘I’m crushing it. This is amazing. This is my dreams.’ I’m halfway there — I want four kids!”

Trainor and Sabara started dating in July 2016 and married on December 22, 2018, which also happened to be Trainor’s 25th birthday. The couple already share an almost one-year-old son, Riley, who was born in February 2021.

“We try to tell him, ‘There’s a baby in the belly,’ but then he points to his belly now and is like, ‘Baby.’ And we’re like, ‘Oh no, it’s not in yours — it’s in Mama’s belly!’” Trainor explained.

Now that she’s into the second trimester of her second pregnancy, Trainor talked about the notable differences between her first and second pregnancies including cravings and fun pregnancy symptoms like acne and morning sickness.

However, Trainor is taking it all in stride, relieved to have the symptoms as reassurance that everything is going along smoothly.

“It’’s like a real pregnancy. The first one was like make-believe. I had no symptoms with Riley to the point where I was like, ‘We need to go to the doctor. There’s nothing in me.’ I got my symptoms late in my pregnancy with Riley,” Trainor told PEOPLE.

“I got them a right away with this baby. I got red perioral dermatitis all over my face — so that’s been fun with makeup — and popped early and was very nauseous. I was sick, my boobies were aching. This one was a ride. It was a rocky ride, but luckily it was during the holidays, so I could just chill and lay down. I pee every 20 minutes, and I’m fully out of breath just from talking. It’s great.”

Trainor also revealed that she wrote a book titled Dear Future Mama which comes out April 25.

She hopes her own messy and vulnerable pregnancy and motherhood moments will help other moms out there who, like Trainor, don’t always have that “village” to relate to and talk about motherhood with.

“After feeling so overwhelmed and alone in my first pregnancy, I was inspired to write this book to make sure no other future mama ever felt like that.” Trainor said in a press release. “I want to give future mamas permission to find the right path for them without the judgment of others. I want this book to feel like a hug from a bestie.”



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