Back in December 2022, Keke Palmer shocked us all when she announced her pregnancy on Saturday Night Live. A few short months later, she gave birth to a beautiful baby boy named Leodis Andrellton Jackson, or Leo for short. Though she doesn’t post pictures or videos of him every day, she does let her Instagram fans see him from time to time, and the last time she posted him was September 28. Now, the star is blessing us with several photos of baby Leo and her latest glossy hairstyle.
On October 17, Keke Palmer shared her look and baby photos on Instagram with the caption, “Slide for the best thing on EARTH, you’re welcome.” The very first picture shows Palmer winking at the camera while her inky black hair cascades toward her chest. Most of her glossy hair was swept over to one side. Her hair was blown out in soft waves, and the very ends which were curled slightly. She paired her silky hair with a smoky eye and big, fluffy lashes.
This hair looks unbelievably shiny, to the point that I’m sure I would be able to see my reflection in it. Her hair also looks extra soft; I’m convinced if I ran my fingers through it that it would feel softer than her new baby’s butt.
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