Selena Gomez has been delivering with her social media content lately. Just this summer, the Rare Beauty founder has given us the perfect outfit inspiration for “tomato girl summer,” a rare look at her vanity, and a cozy fall meme. Her latest posts, however, are a change of pace for the star, who has been having an eventful season.
On Tuesday, September 19, Selena Gomez posted a photo of herself to Instagram: a no-frills, laid-back selfie that stopped us in our scroll. Pictured posing with a pout, the singer and actor appears to be makeup-free in the selfie. Her hair was tied back, with just a few layers loose. The wispy strands fell around her face, giving us a little peek of her wavy hair. The cascading waves had the perfect face-framing effect for her no-makeup look.
This isn’t the first time Gomez shared a no-makeup selfie. Just earlier this week, Gomez shared another makeup-free selfie posing next to her longtime BFF and fellow singer Taylor Swift. Propped up on Swift’s shoulder, Gomez was pictured in a sweater and hoop earrings with her hair tied back. Swift was equally smiley in a yellow floral dress. She wore a simple no-makeup makeup look and let her bangs down with a slight curl.
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