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‘I Want To Go On A Vacation By Myself’

‘I Want To Go On A Vacation By Myself’


You may or may not have mixed feelings about the end of yet another school year. Maybe you’re a teacher and you’re super excited to fit tons of fun into the next few months with your kids. Perhaps you’re frustrated by the spotty childcare options and seemingly endless costs associated with camp and other activities. And maybe you’re just plain old tired of coming up with fun things to do around the house… already. Read on for what 22 moms shared with the Scary Mommy Confessional about summer vacation.

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I’ve worn my bikini bottom as underwear to my corporate job 🤦🏻‍♀️ 

Confessional #81920192

I’m a teacher and it’s hard not to get manic about all the things I want to do lol

Confessional #81929910

I hate the heat. I hate with the burning passion of…well, you know. I’m miserable all summer

Confessional #88129920

I just got laid off and I’m going to keep my kids in camp all summer so I get a vacay too!

Confessional #81290019

Summer is so overscheduled I feel like it’s over before it has even started

Confessional #80928876

I am 33 and never worn a bikini. Never had the confidence to wear shorts either.

Confessional #81772881

Summer is not fun for stay at home moms

Confessional #81772653

It’s too hot, we school year round. So we can take breaks when it’s cooler.

Confessional #87162890

I am a yes mom all summer. Just let me enjoy it too.

Confessional #80928912

I won’t have any days home alone now and I hate it.

Confessional #87901928

I actually love having my kids home all the time. I can’t relate to the parents who dread it.

Confessional #81792765

I’m so tired of playing with my kids. So so so tired.

Confessional #81729182

I don’t sign my child up for camps or activities. Too much stress.

Confessional #89102983

I need to find a job by September, but I also really want to enjoy the whole summer at home with them.

Confessional #89029288

Why are swimming lessons in the middle of the workday & why are camps so Fing $$$

Confessional #88192899

I want to go on a vacation by myself this summer.

Confessional #89102983

My LO is autistic and doesn’t get almost any of his school services during summer break

Confessional #81990982

I hate summer. It’s hot and uncomfortable and miserable!

Confessional #89102987

I got into teaching to spend summers with my kids. I don’t like spending it with all 4 of them.

Confessional #81929100

insane cost of summer childcare, camps, fill in blank.

Confessional #81922987

Summer feels the worst as a working mom. So much we could do; no free time to do it

Confessional #89102918



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