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Tuesday, April 16, 2024

I Tried Those High-Tech Kegel Shorts And Here’s What Happened

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Oh hey there. Did you know that a whopping one in three women experience bladder leaks due to a weak pelvic floor? Also known as stress urinary incontinence (SUI), these types of leaks occur when you cough, sneeze, laugh, or exercise — and they’re extremely common in women after pregnancy, childbirth, perimenopause, and menopause. Luckily, INNOVO’s pelvic floor-strengthening shorts are here to help fix bladder leaks in as little as 12 weeks. The innovative, FDA-cleared and non-invasive multipath technology works by delivering 180 perfect kegels in one 30-minute session to help bolster your pelvic floor, and in turn, stop those pesky leaks. (No prescription needed!) In partnership with INNOVO, we tasked a mom of two with test-driving the high-tech shorts for a month to experience the results for herself. Here, she shares her honest review.

I started getting bladder leaks — or “stress urinary incontinence,” as I learned it’s called from my research — almost immediately after giving birth to my first son. And that was around seven years ago, in 2015. I underwent a C-section with my younger son, but my firstborn was a vaginal birth, and afterward, it felt like my muscles down there were just… gone. Whenever I would sneeze, cough, or laugh, I’d leak, and while I don’t exercise, I can imagine what would happen if I was jumping up and down, too.

It got to the point where I was having to change my underwear — and even my pants sometimes — every time it happened because it was that much. I’m lucky that I work from home so it’s not a huge deal, but it is annoying that the laundry builds up and that I have to wear panty liners out in public because I’m afraid of leaking. I also have to cross my legs every time I sneeze, which is just embarrassing. Don’t get me wrong; I’m a very open person and not ashamed, but it can definitely be frustrating at times. Until trying INNOVO, I hadn’t done anything about it because my personal research told me I needed to go to a pelvic floor doctor, and with two kids under ten, I just didn’t have the time to fit it in. So I put it on the back burner because everything else took priority. I kept telling myself I would get around to it, but ultimately never did, until now.

When I first heard about INNOVO, I’ll admit I was a bit skeptical, but at the same time hopeful. I thought: “A pair of shorts that can stop these annoying leaks? That’s the perfect invention, especially for busy moms like me.” And I’m so happy I decided to give them a shot because they didn’t let me down. I’ve been wearing the shorts for 30 minutes a day, five days a week, for just a little over a month now, and within the last two or so weeks, I’ve noticed a major shift. For instance, the other night I was laughing really hard at something my husband said, and I realized that I didn’t leak one bit. And prior to INNOVO, I probably would have had to change my pants.

I love how easy it is to use and fit into my daily life, too. The shorts come with detailed instructions and photos that show you exactly how to use them, which I found super helpful. Once I did it for the first time, I was like, “OK, I got this.” The sensation, to me, feels a little tingly but completely painless. I started off on the lightest setting and gradually built up to the highest one because that’s what they recommend. It’s almost like someone is using your muscles for you; I can actually feel the tightening and relaxing of the muscles, which is pretty cool. I was initially worried it might feel like period cramps, but it’s totally painless and comfortable to use — I’d typically wear the shorts while lying down because I found it relaxing. Oh, and my size fit me perfectly. The brand has this really helpful quiz on its site that helps you find your size.

I’m at a point now where I wouldn’t even bother bringing a panty liner out with me because I don’t feel the need for it, which is so exciting. I think one of the biggest selling points of these shorts is that they’re so convenient and easy to use. I was able to stop my leaks simply by wearing a pair of shorts for 30 minutes a day. Like, how awesome is that?

Ultimately, I’m so happy and grateful that I had the chance to try INNOVO. I didn’t realize how much leaking was really impacting my quality of life until I found a solution. But not having to change throughout the day (which creates more laundry!) or bring panty liners with me when I go out has been really refreshing and freeing. I can’t thank INNOVO enough and would recommend anyone dealing with leaks to give it a go, too.

Struggling with bladder leaks? You can eliminate them for good. Learn more today at myinnovo.com.

*Name omitted for privacy.

Important safety information:

INNOVO Should Not Be Used If:

  • You have a hip replacement.
  • You have a cardiac pacemaker, implanted defibrillator, or any implanted electronic device.
  • You have a suspected or diagnosed heart condition. Consult your doctor first.
  • You are pregnant.
  • You have any implanted metal devices in the abdominal or pelvic areas, including an Intrauterine Device (IUD).
  • You have epilepsy or are under medical supervision for cognitive dysfunction.
  • Wearing the product necessitates placement over areas where drugs/medicines are administered by injection.
  • It has been less than 6 months since the birth of your baby (consult your doctor first).

Please Wait Before Using INNOVO Until:

  • At least 6 months after childbirth or until you stop lactating (consult your doctor first).
  • The heavy days of your period have finished.
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