There are the kinds of relationship updates you excitedly share on social media: from officially becoming “a couple” to loved-up honeymoon photos. And then there are the kinds you’re more likely to share with the anonymous Scary Mommy Confessional. For example… resenting the unequal workload in your partnership, or still thinking about sex with an ex. Read on for 21 parents’ relationship confessions.
Scary Mommy Confessions are a tried-and-true part of what makes our site so fun. If you want to anonymously confess, please tell all through the link here. And if you want to browse past Confessions, head here.
Often think about not being married to my partner anymore
Confessional #71829276
Only staying for the kids
Confessional #71882736
We schedule a weekly lunchtime hookup since we both work from home
Confessional #71829387
I’m pregnant and I hate being touched by my man
Confessional #71829921
I miss how my husband and I use to be before we had kids. Now we always so tired.
Confessional #71625435
I once caught my dad smiling at my mom’s picture on his phone. Cutest thing ever! ❤️
Confessional #71829927
Husband complains he doesn’t get enough attention but kids and work are sucking every oz
Confessional #71827265
Husband referred to breastfeeding as time I’m “relaxing” and I’m so pissed
Confessional #71826726
My partner cheated on me, I stayed so I could win and prove I was better than the third party
Confessional #77162728
I really don’t care that my kids prefer their dad over me to do bedtime. It’s more me time
Confessional #71882923
I didn’t understand irreconcilable differences before… but I sure do now!
Confessional #71625273
my husband does way more housework and is more organized than me.
Confessional #71625526
I always fall for the fixer uppers
Confessional #71772829
I’m so tired of resenting my partner. I wish something would change.
Confessional #71920273
I think about having sex with my ex and wish i could just one more time
Confessional #71629928
My MIL needs to unload her sh*t on a therapist, not my husband. Seriously stop!
Confessional #71829287
I’m so tired of repeating myself. To both the adults and the children in this house. Are they all goldfish?
Confessional #71650922
I HATE cleaning up after my boyfriend since I have to clean up after our child all day
Confessional #71826354
I am over my marriage. He doesn’t want to improve himself … always complains.
Confessional #71629283
I have such an incredible husband, but I can’t talk about it because I feel guilty around friends who dont.
Confessional #71627283