Home Technology Florida couple receives threats after their iPhone was stolen

Florida couple receives threats after their iPhone was stolen

Florida couple receives threats after their iPhone was stolen


Fox 35 recently reported how a couple in Florida started getting several threats after the theft of their iPhone.


It’s not unusual for iPhones to get lost or stolen, but in a new twist, the thief dissuaded the owners to stop looking for their smartphone by threatening them with various things. A woman had her iPhone stolen while at the mall. Naturally, the couple started tracking the device using the Find My iPhone feature.

After a while and when the woman replaced her stolen iPhone with a new one, she began receiving messages from the thief, claiming that the device will be auctioned off along with her personal information. The perpetrator iterated that her identity could be used for loans and more. Lastly, the thief said that the stored photos of their children could be used for extortion.

The husband said that iPhone is unusable for anyone as it still has their Apple account.



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