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Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Bakeup Is Makeup Created to Wear in the Metaverse — Interview

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Jo Baker: Grace is one of those muses that is so utterly inspiring you feel like there’s nothing you can’t do: neons, gems, hyper-glamour… [We thought], How do we make it so everyone can feel the magic that we do? That’s how Bakeup started.

Allure: But your debut product wasn’t makeup. Why?

JB: To be completely honest, because of [supply chain] issues, we didn’t want to wait. That allowed us to daydream up [how to exist in] meta artificial intelligence, fantasy play, other worlds.

Allure: Grace, you first wore the veil in a music video. What was that like?

GG: When I walked into the shoot, Jo said the day was going to be easy because she’d just have to prep my skin. Then she held up this veil. [With the light catching it just right] on camera, it almost looks like I have gems and glitter everywhere. But to take it off at the end of the day, all I had to do was lift it away. Beauty can be a bit intimidating. But you don’t have to have a ton of technical skill to play with us in the world of Bakeup.

JB: You can dress it up and put it with a Tom Ford tux [Editor’s note: as one does], or you can wear it with sweats and a denim jacket.

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