Legendary supermodel Christie Brinkley is known for her sunny golden-blonde hair; it’s practically her trademark color. However, the model appears to be thinking about going gray, as evidenced by a recent Instagram post… or is she?
On March 5, Brinkley shared a carousel of photos of herself enjoying a cloudy Sunday on the beach. In the photos, you can clearly see her silver roots peeking through that honey blonde, which she acknowledged in the caption, saying that she wasn’t sure about what to do with her hair — keep it blonde or transition to gray?
“Grey sky! Gray hair! The second you see gray hair it raises the question, just like when you cut bangs ..to keep or not to keep?” Brinkley wrote. “Thank goodness both are just a personal preference or a fun change of pace. My son thinks it looks cool, but I think I may want to wait till it’s more like the silver whitecaps than the grey wave itself!” Brinkley, of course, looks beautiful either way; her smile is so contagious and she’d be as stunning silver as she is blonde.
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