Hey folks, Board-Certified Health Coach Chloe Maleski is here to answer your questions about becoming a health or fitness coach. Considering a career change or side gig? Ready to take your Primal knowledge to the next level? We’re here to cheer you on! Have a question you’d like to ask our health coaches? Leave it below in the comments or over in the Mark’s Daily Apple Facebook group.
Patrick asked:
“Primal eating, combined with exercise, has changed my life. You could say it was my personal pandemic project—made possible due to working from home. I’m considering becoming a health coach myself but work in a totally different field (accounting). I have no experience with science, nutrition, fitness, etc., outside of reading blogs like this one. I have ZERO experience coaching. Any recommendations for getting started? Is the Primal Health Coach program suitable for newbies? How long does it take to complete? Do you cover the business side or just nutrition?
Hurray! So fantastic that you turned working from home into a life-changing, wellness-promoting project, Patrick! It really is true: Just a couple of years (or less) of consistent effort can change the state of our health and our life’s trajectory.
Fantastic as well that you’re eager to take what you’ve learned and achieved to the next level. The Primal Health Coach Certification is an excellent way to make that happen.
As a coach, I can attest that there’s a depth of knowledge that only comes from teaching and guiding others. Regardless of whether you make health coaching a new career, a side gig, or another project in self-learning and discovery, the training is transformative. Let’s take a look at your specific questions and cover the Primal Health Coach basics.
Is the Primal Health Coach Certification for newbies?
In short, yes! You do not need prior experience in coaching or prior knowledge of science or nutrition to enroll and succeed.
Many established healthcare professionals and others with similar backgrounds do complete the certification as a way to boost their knowledge, enhance their credentials, and better support their clients and patients.
That said, many others who join have little or no experience in the health and wellness space. Some are regulars here at Mark’s Daily Apple and simply want to take their Primal knowledge to the next level. Others, like you, are considering a career change that integrates what’s worked for them and how they earn a living.
Others don’t know much about Primal eating and living at all (at least not yet!) but are attracted to the growing field of health coaching and the possibility of launching a thriving business they can do from anywhere.
Not “just” nutrition
One thing that sets the Primal Health Coach Institute apart from similar programs is that we understand the importance of solid nutritional and lifestyle knowledge AND that those alone are not enough to succeed as a coach or business.
As you might expect, we cover Primal eating and living fundamentals, including the science behind why they work and how they can be tailored to fit clients with different needs and goals.
This includes nutrition, of course, but also the other 10 Primal Blueprint Rules. We dive deep into the what, how, and why—explaining the details while taking care to use clear language that you’ll be able to share with others. We also provide extensive resources, allowing you to take your learning even further if you choose.
Equally important, the PHCI provides more than a health education. We help you develop coaching skills and learn how to get a coaching business off the ground and keep it thriving. This well-rounded preparation is essential for standing out in the sea of coaches and helping your clients get real, sustained results.
Taking things one step further, we ensure our graduates can start making money as soon as they have their certification in hand by providing a wealth of resources, done-for-you templates, and even a ready-made coaching program. Rather than leaving you to “sink or swim,” we provide ongoing webinars, optional events, and masterclasses. We also have a tight-knit community of coaches who support one another on our mission to promote healthier, more vibrant living.
How long does it take to become a Primal Health Coach?
That’s up to you! The Primal Health Coaching Certification is an online program that you can complete at your own pace, making your way through the material anytime, anywhere.
Moving relatively quickly and completing one chapter a week, you could finish everything in 6 months. That said, there’s no rush, and the program is designed for flexible self-study. There is a lot of material to cover and digest, and the curriculum is robust—utilizing multimedia delivery modes and supporting diverse learning styles.
Even after completing all 23 chapters of multimedia materials and graduating, you retain lifetime access to the program and our Business Resource Center. Because we’re always adding new resources and content to stay up to date with the science, this is gold! It’s also a way for you to stay connected to PHCI faculty and thousands of students and grads.
What does the Primal Health Coach Certification Program offer?
I encourage you to head over to the Primal Health Coach Institute for full details on the certification, glowing testimonials, and next steps. Also check out the PHCI blog for insights into what coaching looks like and how to succeed in this expanding arena.
That said, here’s an overview of what you’ll receive.
The Primal Health Coach Certification Program offers the most in-depth and up-to-date ancestral health education in the world. We don’t just create health experts. We certify health coaches who are true catalysts for behavior change. And we make sure they have the business knowledge and marketing resources to go out in the world and change lives. The program includes:
- Online course made up of 23 chapters of multimedia educational resources tailored for diverse learning styles, including videos, webinars, and supplemental eBooks
- College-level fitness and nutrition education that covers the basics and way more
- Business-building tasks and development projects to help you shape your business story, name, and niche, plus develop your product and set up a payment system (all before graduation!)
- Practical experience developing your coaching skills, crafting your signature coaching program, establishing a 90-day marketing strategy, and writing your personal sales and enrollment script
- Peer-to-peer training, coaching practice, and case studies
- Training in language and liability issues to ensure that you stay within your legal scope of practice
- Access to a private Primal Health Coach Facebook community, a valuable resource for community-based learning and building your professional network
- Lifetime subscription to our Business Resource Center, an exclusive portal designed to help you launch your business and scale for maximum profit and impact
How to become a Primal Fitness Coach
I know you asked about our Primal Health Coach program, but that’s only one of the PHCI’s growing suite of offerings.
If Primal fitness is more your thing, you might consider the brand new Primal Fitness Coach Certification. This program can be completed on its own, or you could go all in and add it to your repertoire as a Primal Health Coach.
It offers the same high-level, well-rounded, multimedia educational experience but with a focus on preparing fitness coaches who are proficient in training clients to be fit for life. This functional fitness certification covers best practices for daily movement, strength-training and conditioning, HIIT exercises, sprinting, and more.
Take your Primal knowledge to the next level
Either of the above programs will prepare you to set up a thriving coaching business and help others transform their health and lives. And…even if coaching isn’t your calling, they are still an excellent way to deepen your knowledge and take your own wellness journey to the next level.
You’ll not only get a new layer of external accountability and positive peer pressure, but will be joining a likeminded community while learning to “be your own coach.” This alone makes the investment worth it.
Of course, working with a Primal Health Coach one-on-one is another excellent way to see results AND get a sense of whether becoming a coach is right for you. Visit myprimalcoach.com to learn more. I hope to see you on the inside!
Are you a Primal Health Coach Institute student or grad? Or thinking of becoming one? Let us know and drop other questions for me in the comments!
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