
This is What I Didn’t Understand About Fish Oil Until It Was Too Late (And It Almost Cost Me My Career!)


This is What I Didn’t Understand About Fish Oil Until It Was Too Late (And It Almost Cost Me My Career!)

I thought college was hard when I was in grad school.

But as soon as I started my professional life, I was blown away by just how quickly it got significantly harder for me to balance work-life relationships.

I was missing out on either life or sleep since I couldn’t afford to miss out on work.

Ironically enough, I didn’t know at the time that missing out on either of these could cause me to do worse during business hours…

So, I took the usual route: ignoring my problems until they went away on their own.

And as usual, they only got worse and worse over time…

The relentless demands of my new career left me stressed, fatigued, and struggling to find the energy to keep up.

Long hours at my desk, coupled with quick, unhealthy meal choices, had taken a toll on my body. It was disheartening to look in the mirror and notice those extra pounds.

My mood was terrible. The simple tasks that used to bring me joy now seemed like burdens.

I became withdrawn, avoiding social gatherings and isolating myself from friends and loved ones. It was a lonely place to be.

I was desperate to find a solution…


During that time, I tried keeping up with different morning routines that I read online.

But it only made me more stressed because I couldn’t even succeed in waking up early enough…

And on the days that I did, I felt more tired than ever!

That’s when I knew I had to do something about my diet.

I tried taking all the vitamins and minerals along with other supplements that I heard would help.

While some provided short-term relief, they lacked long-lasting results

Finally, I went to see my doctor and told him about my situation.

They ran a quick test, and the results shocked me!

Turns out, I lacked EPA.

Now, for those of you who don’t know, EPA is one of the Omega-3 fatty acids that you find in fish oil. As you can imagine, it is pretty essential for maintaining health and well-being.

EPA not only helps keep the energy levels of the body high, but it also helps balance mood and even manage weight! (1)

So, if I did actually lack EPA, that would explain everything.

But the thing is, this was IMPOSSIBLE because I always take my fish oil.

I take it three times a day and even a little over the recommended daily amount!

No way I thought I was making such a simple mistake

That’s when my doctor revealed to me where the problem was.


“Fish oil is actually not the ideal place to take your Omega-3 fatty acids.”

I was shocked because all throughout my life, I heard that fish oil was the go-to source for Omega-3. I mean, it was all over the news and the videos of other people’s daily routines…

I couldn’t make sense of it.

Then he explained to me a little something called bioavailability.

Well, turns out, even though fish oil is actually Omega-3 rich, our body can’t easily break it down and absorb the healthy nutrients inside it.

So, taking fish oil for Omega-3 was a HUGE waste of money!

Instead, he gave me a bottle of Tahiro Algae Omega-3 instead.

These were plant-based and vegan, which are more efficiently digested by the body so more of the EPA, DHA, and DHA my body was able to absorb from the amount that I took.

So, I introduced Algae Omega-3 into my daily routine…


The first week was filled with uncertainty, but I felt a glimmer of hope. While the physical changes were minimal, I noticed a subtle improvement in my energy levels. It wasn't a sudden burst of vitality, but rather a feeling of not being utterly drained by the end of each day.

In the second week, I stayed committed to taking Algae Omega-3 consistently. My mood began to shift slightly. I felt a bit more optimistic, and the irritability that had become a constant companion started to fade. It was still a challenge, but I could see a glint of progress.

By the end of the month, I was pleasantly surprised. My energy levels were noticeably better. I could focus more during work hours, and I even had the motivation to incorporate short walks into my daily routine. The fog of exhaustion was slowly lifting, and my mood was becoming more stable.

The transformation at the six-week mark was profound. My energy levels were significantly higher, allowing me to engage in regular exercise without feeling exhausted. My mood had stabilized, and I found myself genuinely enjoying social gatherings again. The weight loss was more noticeable, and my clothes fit better. I felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination.

Simply incorporating Tahiro Algae Omega-3 into my morning routine helped me:

  • Increase my productivity,
  • Manage weight loss,
  • Balance my mood,
  • And improve my overall health,

If you are interested in this simple step towards bettering your standards of living, click here to discover the recommended way of taking Algae Omega-3 for faster results!


Final Thoughts

Algae Omega-3 became an essential part of my daily routine.

It is a silent but powerful ally that has contributed to my increased energy, improved mood, and gradual weight loss.

While I know there are more challenges ahead, I am filled with hope and determination to continue on this path of self-discovery and well-being!

P.S. After publishing this article, I received countless emails from readers across the globe who went through similar phases as I did, after starting their careers.

I was also informed that Tahiro Algae Omega-3 is on a HUGE discount right now!


I don’t know for how long this offer will remain active, but I just ordered myself three months’ worth of supplies for only half the price!

So, if you also want to get started on incorporating Algae Omega-3 into your daily routine, make sure to click here and secure your discount before it is too late!

Scientific References

  1. Swanson, D., Block, R., & Mousa, S. A. (2012). Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA: health benefits throughout life. Advances in nutrition, 3(1), 1-7.