Home Health & Well Being What I Did When I Noticed My Memory Slipping

What I Did When I Noticed My Memory Slipping


It started happening gradually. I noticed that my memory wasn’t what it once was. I couldn’t memorize things as well as my children could. I would say the same things multiple times because I couldn’t remember if I already said them. I would have an idea on the tip of my tongue, and then it would disappear.  

I thought to myself, “There’s no way I could be losing my memory”. After all, I read all the time, I worked as a writer, and my brain was constantly working. Yet, the prospect of developing dementia in my later years frightened me.

I Spoke to a Doctor

I was embarrassed to admit that I had memory issues. But I went ahead and scheduled an exam with my doctor. I read up on dementia and knew that early detection could keep it under control.

My doctor ran a series of tests. He asked me some questions to test my mental abilities and inquired about my medical history. He also checked to see if I had underlying physical conditions that may be contributing to my forgetfulness.

In the end, he gave me the all-clear. However, he also told me that his diagnosis didn’t mean I couldn’t get dementia in the future.

He also suggested that I do certain activities to improve my memory like:

  • Getting a good amount of sleep
  • Staying mentally and socially active
  • Exercising regularly
  • Cutting down on alcohol (even though I never drank much)
  • Eating a healthy diet of lean meats, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables
  • Avoiding stress and taking part in stress-relieving exercises like meditation and yoga

I followed his advice. But other than the stress (which I admit could sometimes get the better of me) I was already following a healthy lifestyle. I felt like there wasn’t much more I could do. And I didn’t notice a huge improvement in my memory.

I Found a Solution

I held back on talking about my memory issues to friends and family. But then a cousin of mine, who I ran into at a family function, started talking about his difficulty remembering things. He suggested I try something called Brain Protect Nano Omega 5 Cinnamon.

He explained that Brain Protect was made with two powerful, all-natural neuroprotective ingredients: a pomegranate seed oil rich in Omega 5, and cinnamon. It turns out that both ingredients have antioxidant properties that protect the brain from oxidative stress that leads to cognitive decline.

Studies suggest that cinnamon increases blood flow to the brain, protects neurons, and prohibits the breakdown of neurotransmitters. The omega-5 in the pomegranate seed oil has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects that reduce the risk of cognitive decline and neurodegenerative disease. The ingredients in Brain Protect are broken down into tiny particles for ultimate absorption ensuring they pass key nutrients to the brain.

I did my research and saw I had nothing to lose. Brain Protect was very affordable. And the all-natural ingredients meant I wouldn’t deal with unwanted side effects.

I placed an order and I gotta say, it works. After using Brain Protect for a few weeks, I found my memory was better than it had been in years. I was also better at focusing and I became more productive in my professional and personal life.

I recommend Brain Protect to anyone who notices their memory isn’t all it used to be. It can provide effective results when used in combination with the proper diet and exercise routine. It’s an affordable, quality product that will help you boost your cognitive health.

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Marrisa Bergen

Marissa Bergen


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